Our service

How it works

The breakdown

herocards are cool, custom-made and high-quality sports team card packs that celebrate the season and make every player a hero. Participating teams get their own photoshoot, with the shots turned into branded cards that can be played with, shared and treasured.
Sports club executives sign off on their club partnering with herocards and decide the scope of the club’s involvement. They get the ball rolling.
Club age coordinators and/or managers arrange for specific teams to opt in to herocards, and ensure the cards get made to match their bespoke requests. They are the tacticians.
Parents of participating teams can choose to order herocards. They are the customers.

The set-up

Once a proposal is put forward to your club, herocards will have a chat with your club’s executives. Your club will determine which teams and/or age groups they want to give the opportunity to participate in herocards, and give the ‘green light’ to go ahead.
Think your club would be a good fit for herocards? Ask your executive to send us an email! herocards will then hash out a strategy with your club’s managers and/or age coordinators, determining which teams will have the option of participating in herocards through an ‘opt-in’ system.
If a team does want to participate, the tactical planning stage kicks off. Each participating team will be booked in for a 20-minute photo shoot at one of their main sporting grounds or areas. These photoshoots will take place either before or after a scheduled game early in the season at best convenience.

The photoshoot

On the day of the photoshoot (just by the big orange ‘herocard’ banners), you’ll meet the herocards team: Matt, Katarina and Connie. Friendly, qualified and efficient, they’ll work with the coach to coordinate an action shot of each kid on the field or sporting area, and a team photo too.

The making

Worked on by pro graphic designer Matt, the photos will be transformed into custom-made packs of herocards. Herocard packs will include all team players, with details like name, player position, and other statistics that managers/age coordinators can specifically request. Packs will also have their own bespoke style, colour and branding. The cards will go through several rounds of checks so that every pack is printed perfectly.

The exchange

Parents can choose whether or not they want to order herocards. If they are keen to make a purchase, they can order through this page on the herocards website or through submitting a request to the team’s coach.
Orders are done securely through a coded system, with several order options available at various pricing tiers. An order deadline will be given so that customers can make sure they receive their packs before the end of the season. If your team has a ‘Presentation Day’, we will work with the club managers so that they have the option to hand out herocards as part of the ceremony.

The goods

herocards can be swapped with mates, mailed proudly to relatives, and played with by kids (reckon you can make a better formation than coach?). High-quality and durable, with a protective sheet included, they’ll become treasured keepsakes to look back on in a decade's time and remember a terrific season of play, friendship and team spirit.

Get in touch and immortalise the little legends of your team!